If they’re not careful, a beginner fly tier could spend a lot of money on fly tying hooks. Let’s take a moment to determine the best hooks for you so you don’t waste money on hooks that won’t be used.

First, choose the fly you want to use. Many beginners begin with the very basic patterns such as the Green Weenie or the San Juan Worm. After mastering these patterns, beginners may be able to move on to dry flies such as the Elk Hair Caddis. Only you will know which flies to use.

Next, you need to determine how much you will be tying. This will help you decide how many of each type and size hook you want to buy. Hooks are usually available in packs of 25, 50, or 100. Start small, and buy 25 to 50 packs until your confidence grows.

Let’s take a look at some of the hook types and manufacturers. After that, I will make recommendations. To learn more or make a purchase, click on one of the links below.


Fly Tying Hook Conversion table

Mustad Tiemco Cabelas Type
94845 02 Barbless Dry Fly
94840 5210 01 Dry Fly
94831 5212 03 Dry Fly 2X Long
3906 3769 30 Wet Fly/Nymph
3906B 3761 22 Wet Fly/Nymph 1X long
9671 5262 23 Wet Fly/Nymph 2X long
9672 5263 24 Streamer 3X long
9674 40 Streamer 4X long
C67S 105 26 Glo Bug
2457 25 Scud/Shrimp/Pupa/Worm
C49S 2487 20 Scud/Shrimp/Pupa/Worm

Let’s now talk about where to begin after you have completed the beginners fly tying hooks tutorial. My humble opinion is that you should start with the Mustad 94840 and Cabelas 01 sizes 14-16 for dry flies. The Mustad 3906 and Cabelas model 30 sizes 12-14 for most nymphs. The Mustad 9672 and Cabelas model 24 sizes 10 and 12 for Woolly Buggers. And the Mustad C49S and Cabelas model are 20 sizes 12 and 14, respectively, for eggs/Glo bugs, scuds, s, and San Juan Worms and s. You can purchase all of these items in a 25 or 50 pack until you are ready to move up.

You will most likely practice catch and release fishing if you are aspiring to be a fly fisherman. To make it easier to release fish, remember to reduce the barbs. Do this before you tie the fly. This is because I have, on rare occasions, broken the point by trying to pinch down the barb and wasted all the time it took me to tie the fly. Continue reading…


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